Wasanelder Once
JoinedPosts by Wasanelder Once
De Niro Wants To See A Bag of Sh*t On Trump’s Face
by minimus inhas this guy lost it?
who thinks like that?.
Wasanelder Once
Is there any doubt that the concept of poop slinging at people is repugnant? Ask granma. -
If You Had The Choice To Live Anywhere In The World or Any State Where Would You Be?
by minimus ini do like the usa but winters suck!
florida has some charm but it gets brutal with heat and humidity.
california is too looney.
Wasanelder Once
In comfort. The SF Bay Area is ruined. I'd like to try the CA coast for a change.
Did You Know Any "Genuine"" Old School Anointed?
by Number 6 ingrowing up in scotland in the 1970s in scotland the anointed were few and far between, but we had one old dude in our cong who claimed to be one of the anointed.
in the days when it was taken seriously.. i'd be curious how you viewed them.
thing is, he wasn't an elder, or even a ministerial servant, just a plain old publisher.. but he was revered like he had a hotline to jesus.. the other week i was talking to a friend of similar age to me but who hung around the wt a lot longer than i did, and he just commented "oh him... he was a doddery old fool who used to just sit and piss himself.
Wasanelder Once
When I was a boy, in the 1960's, there was an elderly couple who were revered as anointed. Each year everyone would crane their necks to see them partake. It was VERY unusual to see an anointed person in kingdom halls even then. They were a nice old couple but not anything special among us. I have no idea what happened to them. Since anointed people were OLD in my experience, I had a suspicious view of anyone who claimed to be anointed if they were younger than the Culicks.
There was one lady in the 1970's who claimed the call. She was in her early 40's. She said she heard a voice calling her name. It was Jehovah!
Right then I figured she was a nutjob. In the 1990's she was involved in a major purge of "Rockers" in the Bay Area. It was a group of "anointed" individuals who would sit and read the Bible and then rock back and forth when they found a new truth. The society star chamber hunted them and DF'd them all. Good times.
Upon learning of a terminal illness would you return to being a JW to appease your family?
by NVR2L8 inthis is an hypothetical question...i am doing well.
but i was thinking about how my jw family, grandchildren and all will feel when their inactive grandfather dies with no hope of being reunited in paradise.
of course there would be immediate rejoicing if i came back to the "truth" and a surge of conditional love from the "friends".
Wasanelder Once
Their religion means nothing to them in general. Being legalistic they don't have to really "Care" about anyone. All your eventualities are spelled out for them:
1. Die worldly = resurrection. Death pays for sin.
2. Die inactive = resurrection.(Without sin against HS)
3. Die baptized = resurrection
4. Die DF'd & practicing sin. = Gehenna, no return.
So where do you fit in?
If they don't give a damn about you now what makes you think they would feel any different when you die? So, no I would not return for them or anyone else.
local, strange jw thinking
by lancelink ini was reading today that the last star wars movie will be playing next week.
doing a little searching, i found that there have been 12 movies in the saga total, ( box office, total (12 films): $9.323 billion.)..
it got me thinking about when the empire strikes back came out, it was the second movie ( 1980).
Wasanelder Once
When a grown man came to me as an elder with tears in his eye because he lied to his boss when asked if his break was over. He said "no" when he was over by 5 minutes. He asked if Jehoobie would forgive him. I knew it was a crutch for weak minded individuals then.
What Are Your Predictions for 2020 and Beyond?
by The Bethelite in2020 the society will continue to have financial problems with massive pay outs because of their lack of protecting their young people from a religion that harbors thousands of pedophiles.
thus this and other religions that has an 1800's mentality will continue to lose their young people.
with the religion's lies easily found on the internet the smart ones will continue to leave in droves.
Wasanelder Once
Silly Bethelite, It wasn't Paul McCarthy's words, it was Jam Lemon.
The Holidays Are No Big Deal Anymore
by minimus inyou used to hear christmas music blaring on every radio station.
not anymore.
people used to jam the roadways and malls to do their christmas shopping and now it’s no big deal.
Wasanelder Once
Not celebrating Xmas since I was 8, it was something everyone else did. Most people I know who did celebrate have outgrown it. Kids move on, many people have died that kept the tradition and religion has taken to supporting the "me first" screw everyone else tradition. Yep, online shopping has become the "Catalogue" way to shop and people are more interested in going shopping without the risk of being shot. (of course that's mostly sarcasm but there is a bit of that in people's minds. People think in terms of exit strategies from stores et. all). When I was 8 xmas was a blast. Now? Meh.
Totally-NOT-Holiday parties
by neat blue dog inanybody else in congregations that have parties in october for kids to dress in costumes and pick pumpkins, parties in november with turkey, fixings and candles, and parties in december with red and green colors and baking similar looking snow-themed desserts?
(not to mention the spiffy new wardrobes for easter.
i mean memorial season.
Wasanelder Once
Do you fault them for trying to enjoy life? Obviously they are making an attempt at making Jehoobie happy while still giving their kids a reason to enjoy the season. Hypocritical? Of course. No I never saw anyone in my old congregations go any farther than a turkey (cheaper in the season) dinner in Nov. I have heard of some who had a "Gift" day and that seemed a bit suspect. Religion is so stupid.
Do You Think “Higher Education “Is All That??
by minimus inas jehovah’s witnesses, we were regularly told how awful a college education is.
i’m no longer associated with the religion but i am not so pro university.
it’s not because i think you are better off without a degree.
Wasanelder Once
I graduated in 2007. In the US. Two years of community college and three years at university. In California at that, the bastion of liberals. Never felt lefty pressure. I was an ex JW returning to school in my forties. Perhaps I ignored the politics of the day then. I'd like to think I was aware. Sure there were left leaning student groups and protests but no more than before. The staff were very careful to hide their bias. There were just as many "Young Republicans" at the same time.
Do You Think “Higher Education “Is All That??
by minimus inas jehovah’s witnesses, we were regularly told how awful a college education is.
i’m no longer associated with the religion but i am not so pro university.
it’s not because i think you are better off without a degree.
Wasanelder Once
I'm curious, did you attend a university Min?
I did and told one professor in front of the class that what he said was bullshit. Got an A in the class. I guess its not always the case that you fail. Did someone fail you for speaking out? It was never my experience even though one instructor said I was unusual because "No offense but the JW's he had taught weren't very intellectual nor intellectually honest." He was a prince, insert sarcasm.